Al Gore is retarded.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is the latest attempt by Hollywood, the liberal media, environmentalists and every fear-monger from here to Timbuktu to perpetuate the "disaster" of global-warming, which is supposedly upon us. Despite the title, which alludes to some sort of wisdom it might impart to anyone who would see it, there is no truth contained within. In fact, the only thing that's truly inconvenient about this movie is that it was released in the first place.
Before I attempt to convince you into unbelieving the "truth" of global warming, you first need to understand that those in favor of destroying America's economy, industry and your lives in the name of "science" will stop at nothing from pretty much inventing proof.
As where legitimate scientists follow the scientific method (they form a hypothesis, perform experiments and then gather data to prove or disprove their hypothesis), environmental nuts (or as Al Gore calls them, a consensus of the scientific community) automatically announced that global warming was indeed a fact, and then point out that every thing that goes bad in the world as continued proof of global warming.
If that logic shocks you, then you should know it's not the only time such reasoning is employed. Much like global warming, evolution is proved by and the same.Can we really afford to use that kind of backwards, and wrong, logic? Trillions of dollars are at stake in American business and personal interests, so wouldn't it seem to reason that we make sure we know what exactly is going on before we start?
Therein is the fallacy with global warming. Proponents of global warming state that Hurricane Katrina, hot temperatures, floods, droughts, wildfires, death, famine and Ted Kennedy's blood-alcohol level are all effects of global warming. These are true not because they have been proven to be, but because they have to be, that's the only answer, end of story. Yet these are the claims made in "An Inconvenient Truth."
Is the world getting warmer? Most likely. That's an easy answer. Is that warming a bad thing? Absolutely not. Earth's climate changes frequently and has so for a few billion of years (although much of the data Gore generates in his documentary only goes back to the early 1880s when records began to be kept, but hey, who's counting?).
So why does climate fluctuate? Most legitimate research indicates that climate is more influenced by changes in the amount of solar radiation generated by the sun than anything else. But that kind of research isn't important in a movie like this. The point of this movie is to scare and intimidate you into allowing the environmentalists to strip your life away.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is a lie. Al Gore should refund the money of every person who has had to endure his movie, and his books should be recycled and made into toilet paper. If he was truly concerned about the welfare of the world, he would be focusing on fixing problems that matter instead of peddling the 21st century version of alchemy. And to think, this man almost became president.
Before I attempt to convince you into unbelieving the "truth" of global warming, you first need to understand that those in favor of destroying America's economy, industry and your lives in the name of "science" will stop at nothing from pretty much inventing proof.
As where legitimate scientists follow the scientific method (they form a hypothesis, perform experiments and then gather data to prove or disprove their hypothesis), environmental nuts (or as Al Gore calls them, a consensus of the scientific community) automatically announced that global warming was indeed a fact, and then point out that every thing that goes bad in the world as continued proof of global warming.
If that logic shocks you, then you should know it's not the only time such reasoning is employed. Much like global warming, evolution is proved by and the same.Can we really afford to use that kind of backwards, and wrong, logic? Trillions of dollars are at stake in American business and personal interests, so wouldn't it seem to reason that we make sure we know what exactly is going on before we start?
Therein is the fallacy with global warming. Proponents of global warming state that Hurricane Katrina, hot temperatures, floods, droughts, wildfires, death, famine and Ted Kennedy's blood-alcohol level are all effects of global warming. These are true not because they have been proven to be, but because they have to be, that's the only answer, end of story. Yet these are the claims made in "An Inconvenient Truth."
Is the world getting warmer? Most likely. That's an easy answer. Is that warming a bad thing? Absolutely not. Earth's climate changes frequently and has so for a few billion of years (although much of the data Gore generates in his documentary only goes back to the early 1880s when records began to be kept, but hey, who's counting?).
So why does climate fluctuate? Most legitimate research indicates that climate is more influenced by changes in the amount of solar radiation generated by the sun than anything else. But that kind of research isn't important in a movie like this. The point of this movie is to scare and intimidate you into allowing the environmentalists to strip your life away.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is a lie. Al Gore should refund the money of every person who has had to endure his movie, and his books should be recycled and made into toilet paper. If he was truly concerned about the welfare of the world, he would be focusing on fixing problems that matter instead of peddling the 21st century version of alchemy. And to think, this man almost became president.